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The number of women in STEM apprenticeships remains at shockingly low levels, despite the concerted efforts of employers and the 600 organisations working in STEM outreach. The percentage of women doing a STEM apprenticeship has remained static since 2012 with just 2% in construction; 3% in engineering and 10% in IT.

Research by Prudential in May 2017 shows just what an uphill battle we are facing. Six out of 10 school leavers believe apprenticeships are in sectors with mainly male workforces; one in three parents say apprenticeships are suited to boys; and female students think most opportunities are in nursing, healthcare and childcare.

Yet a few pockets of excellence show girls do want these apprenticeships – EDF is already managing to increase female STEM recruitment to around a third. It can be done.

With the introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy and employers significantly scaling-up their apprenticeship programmes in 2017, with hiring expected to increase by 59%, now is the perfect time to use this Toolkit to bring talented women into your organisation through apprenticeships.


This toolkit shares best practice, expertise and case studies of employers and our three organisations – covering how to ATTRACT, ENGAGE, SUPPORT and RETAIN women in STEM apprenticeships. And signposts you to the support, bespoke training and advice available from our organisations.

Let’s change the face of apprenticeships. Find out more about us here.

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